Every time your payment card is used, it’s important that it’s actually YOU making the purchase! That’s where CardinalCommerce comes in. They analyze thousands of informed risk criteria with every purchase to make sure that a thief isn’t using your card to fund a vacation getaway. And if it really is you, they make sure you won’t be declined. With the market for authentication solutions getting crowded since CardinalCommerce was a pioneer in the space, it’s important for CardinalCommerce to have the right look and messaging to stay relevant. Intrepid was tasked to develop and launch Cardinal’s new brand.
Start with research and build the strategy from there. After doing our homework we decided a fresh, clean and modern look was the way to go. So we gave the logo a bold new look that’s simple yet memorable. We also created a fun and informative sales video to introduce the new CardinalCommerce to the world. The video takes a quirky tone to position Cardinal as the experts when it comes to 3d secure authentication.
ClientCardinalCommerceServicesContent & Creative Strategy, Scripting,